What Makes Us Different
OUR APPROACH.We're more than just sellers of policies. We were founded with the notion that individuals, families, and closely held businesses are entitled to the same "Risk Management" processes as the big boys. We are set up to provide counsel in all disciplines of financial risk.
OUR EXPERTISE. Among our ranks we have people with "Home Office" experience as claims adjusters, underwriters, marketers, and trainers. In addition, we have backgrounds ranging from banking to teaching to contracting. We are here to be your advocate. We have industry designations, and we've been doing this since 1981.
OUR MARKETS. We have put together a stable of highly rated regional carriers based on financial strength, claims service, and economic value to the client. We favor local service, and no big budgets for those advertisements you see all over the place. In addition to our "core" carriers, we have long-standing brokerage relationships that provide us access to a multitude of specialty programs.
OUR PRESENCE. We bring local knowledge to the table. Whether you need a basement drained, a quarter panel straightened, or a roof patched; we've been there before. We're probably on a first name basis with your adjustor. We are actively involved in your community as well.
OUR PRINCIPLES OF SECURITY. We first published these over a quarter of a century ago - check them out!